To Login write "Administrator" in the place of User ID and use the password "Demo".
To change the password click on Change Password as shown above and fill rest of the blanks.
When you will login as administrator a new window will pop-up asking you to add company"s name. You have to follow the instructions and fill the Details. After save the company detail you can select the company from the list.
Click on next button to complete the process.
To generate Customer Report user has to go to Tools command above and then choose the option "Open Report Panel". A list of panels will show where you have to select "Customer Report".
To get the list of clients user has to click on Tools command given above on the ribbon. Then he has to choose Export Lists option and then select the sub option for the list he wants.
To add or edit list user has to first click on Tools command given above and then select option "Add Edit List". There will be a number of sub-options given which user can select as per his need.
When user will click on that sub-option a new dialog box will appear where you can add or edit the list of Sales representatives.
To set the company logo user has to go to the left panel of the main screen. Click on "Edit List" given in front of "Your Company" column under "Select Header Details".
After user clicks on that command a dialog box will come on the screen. User has to click on command "Browse" given adjacent to "Logo Path" and choose the logo from the folder where he has saved it.
To change the template of the invoice user has to click on "Status" command given below in the left panel.
When user will click on that command they will see options appearing in which one would be "Change Invoice Template". In this option there will be three sub options- -Size A-4 Orientation Portrait -Size A-4 Orientation Landscape -Size A-5 Orientation Portrait.
How to change Invoice template in Size A-4 Orientation Portrait? To change the Invoice template into Size A-4 Orientation Portrait user has to go to Status command given below in the left panel of the main screen. There he has to choose option "Change Invoice Template" and then the sub-option Size A-4 Orientation Portrait. After user will click on sub-option "Size A-4 Orientation Portrait" the invoice will appear like this.
After user will click on sub-option "Size A-4 Orientation Landscape" the invoices will appear like this.
To reset Invoice user has to click on Status command below and choose the option Reset Invoice on the top of the list. After you click you will see a new invoice will appear on the Right hand side of the panel of the user.
To change language of Invoice user has to go to column "Invoice Label: Primary Language" "Secondary Language" below Tax fields at the right hand side panel of the main screen and choose the primary and secondary language.
To check the print preview even before the Invoice is generated user has to go to Tools command given above and click it. In the list of options you will see Print Preview at the last. Click on it to see the preview.
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