Total Word Files Converter is an innovative software created to convert word files into different other formats. The software is capable of converting 1000s of word files into different formats within seconds. Total Word Files Converter can convert a single word file into other formats of word like doc. into docx., doc. to dot., etc. It also can convert Word files into different formats, like doc. into pdf, docx. into html and in any format you wish to. Conversion of files can take a lot of time when it is done by picking up a single file and converting it. But with this software this task becomes very easy and time saving. The user can deposit and convert a whole folder of word files and convert them. It convert the doc files to other word format like docx, pdf and other. It is the best tool for converting the multiple doc files to other word format.
Though Total Word Files Converter software is a hi-tech tool but its usage is really easy. The user has to just drag the files or folder and dump. Rest of the work will be done by the software. The user can save the converted files either on desktop or any target folder selected. The user can also see the time taken to convert the files. The software also shows the details of any fault during conversion. Total Word Files Converter is capable to work in all versions of windows.
To convert .doc and .docx files into .pdf and .xps, you have to download and install Save as PDF and XPS.
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