Nowadays in digital marketing scenario where people keep checking their SMS after every 5 minutes printing circular, flyers to give to people whose contact you have is nothing less than stupidity. You can send those SMS in just one click, you don’t believe it but yes it is possible now. So how, that’s what the question running in your mind. It’s very simple, you can use bulk SMS sender. Yes, bulk SMS sender sends SMS to multiple contacts. But now you say that there is much such software in the market, then why bulk SMS sender. You think very much right, why bulk SMS sender. So here the reason, it can send SMS not only from one phone but multiple phones. Yes, you read it rightly from multiple phones. It can send SMS from 4 phones simultaneously. Yes, 4 – 4 phones simultaneously. So what are waiting for buying it now?
Bulk SMS sender is an SMS Sender tool to send SMS in BULK for thousands of Mobile Phones from Your own computer. Yes, you can send Thousands of SMS from your computer via connecting Mobile Phones (GSM Mobile Phones) from your PC. And you can connect 4 mobile phones at the time via Bluetooth or data cable as you are comfortable. It also allows you to customize SMS with many fields such as (Mobile Number, Name etc). It automatically detects all connected mobile phones and allows you to select mobile number through which you want to send SMS from PC.BULK SMS SENDER allows you to send INTERNATIONAL SMS in BULK.
The most interesting feature is that the receivers of SMS that you have sent will get it from your registered mobile number of your phone. Is not it interesting? This software also has the feature of add country code as a prefix to Mobile Numbers. BULK SMS SENDER includes many features such as delay in SMS to be delivered. You can load a list of mobile numbers from EXCEL file, TEXT file or manually one by one.
It works in a very efficient manner. First Connect your GSM Mobiles to PC via USB or Bluetooth and then Ensure PC suites for Mobiles are installed on your PC and your mobiles have SMS pack or enough balance to send SMS. Now open up your amazing Bulk SMS Sender and Wait till application shows all connected mobiles. Now Add or Import Mobile Numbers of recipients’ whom you want to send the SMS. Then simply type SMS text and now send it to whomsoever you want. You can also send unique PERSONALIZED SMS for each recipient’s using Excel Data. Isn’t it easy?
You can use it for schools, colleges, political parties, offices, for online promotion and wherever you want to send SMS in bulk from your mobile number. Suppose it is a celebration in your house and you want to invite yours, your father’s, your mother’s and your one more family member contact. You all have to message them with your personal number, how will you do that. Think man think. You got an answer and is not it bulk SMS sender. Yes it is bulk SMS sender. It has many utilities. So buy it now.